An Email From My Host


Well this is what I was sent a few days ago sucks that they don't give a date. Since I don't know when the server will go down it may be down till the 5th of June when I get paid (unless I get like $50 in donations). If I can get $50 before the server goes down I will make sure to post the new IP address A.S.A.P but that might not happen.
In any case the server will have the same name so you can still find it.

This important notification is being sent to all current customers. You will not receive any further
notifications from us.

We're so very sorry, but after a year of financial losses we are not
taking any more orders or renewal payments. We have lost 95% of our
customer base due to this recession. Because of the severe financial
losses we have incurred in operating this business during this
recession, we are seeking protection in federal bankruptcy court to
dissolve our outstanding debt obligations, as we no longer have any
assets with which to continue operating this business. We are officially
out of business now. You will need to find a new host. We're sorry, but
those are the facts. We wish it had worked out better for everyone.

Please remember that when you signed up to our services and entered into
a subscription with us, you certified that you had read and agreed to
our Conditions of Use ( ).
The terms of this agreement are fully binding on each and every
customer. Due to our financial predicament, we have exercised our rights
under the Termination of Service clause of this agreement and have
terminated all products and services. Per the terms of the agreement,
there are no refunds for early termination or unused service. Please see
the following links and read them carefully for more information on this
subject. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience but this business has
been closed.

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